



80. The previously unknown objc cts have now been (确定地) discovered as____bc ing satellites.________81. The m - of the students in our school lear science while a relativelysmall number of stud cnts choose to lear liberal arts.________82. If you got a s to Bash u Scc ondary School, your studies will be paid forby the school.83. We can go beyond a single identity to a d set of personal identities.________84. A from interupting your leisure time. We chat can also reduce yourproductivity at work.________85. The m of Chang'c 7 will involve landing on the lunar south pole anddetecting water resources.第五节完成句子(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)使用提示词的习惯搭配及关键结构完成句子。

( ) 27. Cheer up, Linda. Sunshine is always the storms.____—You're right.Iwon't give up.A.without B.against____C.duringD.after



29.What does London think of the Mediterranean diet?A.Annoying. B.Healthy. C.Terrible. D.Expensive.


4.What can we learn about the man?A.He is anxious to see his sister.B.He wrote to his sister last month.C.He is expecting a letter from his sister.