




D.PPiling a list of regrets in front of you can make others feel frightened.E.The trick is not to get rid of the bad feeling but use it for improvement.F.Also invest your own skills and improvement right now and get started.G.If you didn't experience regrets, you would repeat the same wrong behaviors.

11. Why is the woman dissatisfied with the man?A.He didn't talk with her.B.He came here late again.C.He ignored her messages.



33.Why have the电记ergy srage solutions been developed? 13A. To lower the solar panel costs.B.To ensure consistent power supply.C.To reduce solar energy waste.D.To generate electricity on e loud y days.


26. Which of the following best describes Chad?A. Determined and helpful. B. Caring and humorous.C. Confident and cooperative. D. Ambitious and warmhearted.