



35.-Do you mind if we set out earlier tomorrow morning?-Well, I'd rather you .____A.don't B.didn't C.won't D.wouldn't

第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。Pangolin s(穿山甲) are the world's most heavily poached(偷猎) mammal. And three out of fourAsian pangolin species are critically 41 now heavy demands for their meat, scales, and bloodhave 42 them with extinction.____Growing up near Cue Phuong National Park in Vietnam's Red River Delta, Thai Van Nguyen hadbeen accustomed to seeing dead pangolin s. 43 , everything changed when he witnessed his neighborkilling a baby pangolin. It was then that his 44 to save pangolins was ignited (点燃) . And he knewthe biggest 45 would be shifting the mindset and habits of the Vietnamese people.To change the fate of the pangolin s, Nguyen set out to 46 the public on the importance ofpangolin conservation. His efforts 47 a series of outreach and education campaigns: he publishedresearch in peer-reviewed journals, attended international workshops, and developed Vietnam's firstreintroduction and tracking programme for pangolin s.Then Nguyen founded Vietnam's first Asian Pangolin Rehabilitation Center. So far it has managedto 48 and release nearly 500 pangolins and has 49 to rescue other species like turtles.In 2018, Nguyen 50 his work, creating Vietnam's first-ever anti-poaching unit, which hasdestroyed 9, 701 animal traps, and arrested 558 people for poaching —leading to a significant 51 inillegal activities in Vietnam.Nguyen devotes his life to 52 pangolins, bringing global awareness of pangolin s’ 53 . He____hopes his deeds will bring pangolin s back to their rightful place in the forest.“It's my greatest joy thatI can really make a 54 , ”he said. And it is this devotion that 55 won him the Goldman____Environmental Prize for grassroots activism in 2021.41.A.significant B.endangered C.valuable D.dangerous42.A.threatened B.associated C.matched D.compared43.A.Therefore B.Otherwise C.Nevertheless D.Moreover



B. have changedA)38. Following the traffic rules can help us accidents.____C. changedD. will changeA. avoid7B.produce)C.influence D. divide39.To make the school environment much better, more trees 1____last summer holiday


( ) 43. From the three ads (广告) , we know .____A. we can buy a volleyball and a basketball for 50 dollarsB. we can buy a sweater for 25 yuan at Huamei Clothes StoreC. you can’t buy school bags a t Hu a me i Clothes StoreD. we can buy two small notebooks for 8 yuan at Hongxing Store