百师联盟 2024届高三二轮复习联考(二)全国卷英语试卷答案

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1、百师联盟 2024届高三二轮复习联考(二)全国卷英语试卷答案听力部分

In2019,Pěrez-Arancibia and two PhD students built a four-winged insect rabot that waslight enough to lift off as well as roll, giving it four degrees of freedom, but the final twodegrees, known as yaw, was harder to achieve.“If you can't control yaw, you're super limited, ”Perez-Aranci bia s aid. “If you're a bee,here is the flower, but if you can't control the yaw, you are going around all the time as you tryto get there. ”“The system is highly unstable, and the problem is super hard, ”he continued.“For manyyears, people had theoretical ideas about how to control yaw, but nobody could achieve it due toactuation limitations.”At just 95mg and possessing 33mm wingspan, the bee robot is still larger than the averagebee, but it'san important step in the development of functional robots of this kind, and one ofthe biggest problems with their development has been cleared.28.What's the breakthrough researchers have achieved with Bee++?A.They've discovered a new material.B.They've created a lightweight actuator.C.They've figured out how to control yaw.D.They've made the first insect-sized robot.

百师联盟 2024届高三二轮复习联考(二)全国卷英语试卷答案

There was a 49 of Chinese racing role models, so he 50 a path of his own. A veryimportant moment in his racing life came at age 12. when he 5I Shanghai for Sheffield in theUnited Kingdom to 52 his development with the strawberry Racing Krt ing team. The move puthim on the road to achieving his ambitions.Zhou is often 53 to the former NBA player Yao Ming, w h is also a s por star from Shanghai.“Who knows, maybe in 10 years' time I could have the same 54. And that is my aim 55.he said.41.A.problem B.difference C.difficulty D.importance42.A.guessing B.controlling C.proving D.declaring43.A.reading B.playing .drivingD.swimming44.A.growing up B.getting up C.going upD.staying up45.A.simple B.inte to sting C.avalableD.popularD.examined46.A.watched B.followed C.resear oh ed47.A.lose B.stress G.developD.measure48.A.stayed B.dealt C.foughtD.taken49.A.way Black C.roleD.loss50.A.receiv od B.imagined C.composedD.created51.A.reached B.chose G.leftD.forgot52. continue B.discover C.considerD.manage53.A.matched B compared C.adaptedD.devotedD.result54.A.career B.hobby G.influence55, A.normally B.nat ut lly C.regularly D.definite lv

2、百师联盟 2024届高三二轮复习联考(二)全国卷英语试卷答案选择题部分

百师联盟 2024届高三二轮复习联考(二)全国卷英语试卷答案

18.Which stage of sleep is the most important according to recent experiments?A.The first stage. B.The third stage. C.The fifth stage.

百师联盟 2024届高三二轮复习联考(二)全国卷英语试卷答案

15.What did the woman's parents grow in their gardens?A.Potatoes and watermelons.B.Potatoes and tomatoes. C.Carrots and tomatoes.