



阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项A few years ago, I started a daily running habit. After a few months, I found m .good 41: Running was getting mentally and physically easier, and I noticed I had moa____442throughout the day. But after about a year, I started getting 43knees nothing 44 , but enough for me to constantly 45____in my ankles and____imore. My running habit started to 46 my daily life, so I decided to make aif I was damaging my body____447.Now,I do regular full body 48 and only run once a week. And on the days when I d on't d o f u____workouts, I go for a walk. My body feels stronger, and my mindis r.____I also revisited my 49 habit. When I first started writing, my goal was to one day get

E. Knowing that you are making great progress gives you the motivationF.You can share your progress and challenges receive support and encouragementG. However, this might take some time, so don't get frustrated if you do not get instant results



friends every day, contacting at least one friend a week will make a big difference.A. Ask people about their lives.B. Remember the details about people’s lives.C Sending cards also gets the message across.s theD Caring people spend time doing favors for other people.E.Caring people care about how their actions affect other people.c t otF. Do not just ask out of duty, but because you genuinely want to care.G. Keep an eye out for those in need and find a productive way to get involved.第三部分语言运用(共两节,满分30分)


34.What does the underlined word“vocalize”in paragraph 4 mean?A.Listen. B.Speak. C.Read. D.Write.