



30. - Many tthanks for your help with my homework.BA. No problem B.NNever mind C.A big deal D. It doesn’t ma iteralone . Omly by 45 other villagers, they can make more mountains greener.To make more people join, Xiao went door to door and 46 more villgers. As a result, allthe mountains were full of green plants. As more trees grew taller and 47 Xiao became avolunteer forest ranger(护林员) . He built a wood house to live in during the dry season. To workbetter, he moved to live in the mountains with his 48 in 2013. He walks more than 20 kilometersto 49 the forest until six pm. every day. The couple also got the be lp from the goverment.He feels very happy, 50he has never seen the floods destroy the farm lands for over 20yeears. He will keep on his dream.1. A. changes B. mistakes C. programs D. answers422. A. quietly B. normally C. clearly D.heavily433. A. needed B. seemed C. began D. refusedA44. A. easier B. harder C. later D. earlier45. A. calling up B. turning downC. bringing outD. cheering up466. A. compared B.promised C. invited D.allowed47.7. A. deeper B. thicker C. cheaper D.stranger48.8. A. wife B. sister C. uncle D. mother49. A. touch B.stand C. clean D.check50. A. unless B. though C. until D. because

8.How long does Lucy probably spend playing the piano each day?A.Ome hour. B.Two hours. C.Three hours.



17.What is the most probable relationship between the speakers?A.Host and guest. B.Teacher and student.C.Boss and employee.听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。


30.Which statement does the author probably agree with?A.Links among people are based on words.B. Voice-based communication is advisable.C.Phone calls are gradually losing their appealal. D. It's more effective to communicate online.