英语周报高考综合第19期Book 7 Units 1-2的答案

英语周报高考综合系列小编这次收集整理的是第19期的Book 7 Units 1-2的参考答案,做完了的可以来了解一下!

2018-2019学年英语周报高考综合第19期Book 7 Units 1-2参考答案

Book 7 Units 1-2参考答案及部分解析



11-15 CBBAA16-20 CBCAB

21-25 CDADD26-30 BABAB

31-35 ABBCB36-40 CEGFA

41-45 DABCA46-50 BCBAD

51-55 DABDC56-60 CBDAC

61. to handle62. regularly

63. relaxing64. who

65. are doing66. a

67. Is 68. helpful

69. beyond 70. are prohibited


71. ... to sharing my ... sharing → share

72. ... them adjust new ...adjust后加to

73. A totally stranger ...totally → total

74. I am happy ...am → was

75. ... but concerning about ...

concerning → concerned

76. After say my ...say → saying

77. ... much the better.去掉the

78. ... offered us many ...us → me

79. ... from that I ...that → which

80. ... couple of week ...week → weeks


One possible version:

Good morning, everyone!

I'd like to share my opinions on heroes with you today.

People have different opinions about what a hero is. For many people, a hero is someone who saves others' lives. But for me, a hero is someone who has the strength to go through difficulties in life and is there to help others. My friend Li Ming, one of top students in my class, belongs to the latter group. Although physically disabled, he is always confident and working hard. In addition, he is friendly to everyone and willing to help anyone who turns to him for help. Therefore, he is a hero in my mind.

Thank you for your listening.

Book 7 Units 1-2




11-15 CBBAA16-20 CBCAB

21-25 CDADD26-30 BABAB

31-35 ABBCB36-40 CEGFA

41-45 DABCA46-50 BCBAD

51-55 DABDC56-60 CBDAC

61. to handle62. regularly

63. relaxing64. who

65. are doing66. a

67. Is 68. helpful

69. beyond 70. are prohibited


71. ... to sharing my ... sharing → share

72. ... them adjust new ...adjust后加to

73. A totally stranger ...totally → total

74. I am happy ...am → was

75. ... but concerning about ...

concerning → concerned

76. After say my ...say → saying

77. ... much the better.去掉the

78. ... offered us many ...us → me

79. ... from that I ...that → which

80. ... couple of week ...week → weeks


One possible version:

Good morning, everyone!

I'd like to share my opinions on heroes with you today.

People have different opinions about what a hero is. For many people, a hero is someone who saves others' lives. But for me, a hero is someone who has the strength to go through difficulties in life and is there to help others. My friend Li Ming, one of top students in my class, belongs to the latter group. Although physically disabled, he is always confident and working hard. In addition, he is friendly to everyone and willing to help anyone who turns to him for help. Therefore, he is a hero in my mind.

Thank you for your listening.
