


英语周报2018-2019高一外研版第25期参考答案Book 2 Module 6 参考答案及部分解析参考答案1-5 BCBAC                 6-10BACBB11-15 ACACA   16-20BCAAB   21-25 DACBB   26-30 ACADC31-35 BDBCD        36-40EFCBG41-45 DABAC   46-50CDDBA        51-55BDCAD        56-60BABCC61. amazing              62.reasons63. who / that        64.to see65. Clearly              66. on / upon67. thinking               68. is69. them           70.better短文改错71. ... several suggestion to ...suggestion→ suggestions72. ... of that you ...            that→ what73. ... if you sure ...            sure前加are74. ... get them very ...         them→ it75. Trying to leave ...           Trying→ Try76. ... reach a agreement.       a → an77. ... be calling back ...          calling → called78. ... it for you ...                  for→ to79. ... better to wait ...     去掉to80. You would get ...            would→ will


One possible version:

Dear David,

Howare you? In your letter you told me you enjoyed a programme about lions ontelevision. I don’t like animal programmes very much. I don’t watch televisionvery often. But I watch a Chinese reality show Keep Running every Fridayevening. I think it is really interesting. I also watch the news sometimes.Actually I prefer to watch films. Recently I watched a film called Children ofHeaven. It tells the moving story of two children and their adventures over a lostpair of shoes. Have you watched this film?I’mlooking forward to your reply.

